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Find out how to keep your employees engaged and at the top of their game

6 Ways to Motivate Your Leasing Team


Covid-19 generated new behavioral patterns in the workplace, with work-from-home becoming widely accepted. CBRE’s most recent employee sentiment survey revealed that office workers prefer hybrid work schedules and while flexibility isn’t necessarily a groundbreaking way to motivate your leasing team, it is something vital to your business and overall employee retention.

Allowing team members to create their own working schedule gives them the benefit of the doubt and makes them feel trusted. This feeling of trust generates further interest in getting the job done. Flexibility can also be applied to other aspects of the job, such as letting your team choose their own assignments.


Communication goes both ways, so employees should be asked to offer their input on various topics. Ask them what they want and also how and when they want it. What’s the next leasing event they’d like to attend? Is there a new marketing idea they noticed from a competitor? Should we relocate and change the scenery for our team meetings? What are our residents thinking about our office? Encourage your team to speak their mind.

Strong Leadership

A team leader must be a walking representation of company values. Therefore, setting a good example by being honest, supportive, and transparent will make your leasing team more inclined to behave in the same manner.

Bad management is one of the top reasons employees quit and never look back. Trustworthy leaders boost employee loyalty, so show your team you are one of them by sticking around in the office as much as possible. Participate in training but also show up at parties, join your team members in tours or simply challenge them to perform better than you.

Room for growth

Take a genuine interest in your employees’ professional aspirations. By doing so, you demonstrate a desire for them to succeed and evolve.

Let them be the first to know if there’s a new opening in your company and provide them with growth opportunities. In case your company’s expanding, encourage them to apply for new positions. Identify their strong points and highlight these in a recommendation letter—they’ll thank you for that.


Letting your leasing team know they have appreciated leads to greater job satisfaction. As a leader, it is important to share feedback with your employees—and they should be encouraged to root for their fellow colleagues, too.

So, the next time a team member signs that lease renewal everyone had doubts about, make sure to highlight the moment and say congratulations during the weekly meeting. Make them feel good, so they can feel good about the things they do and the business they are a part of. Rewards continue to be one of the strongest motivational factors within the workplace. Reward your team after a satisfying brainstorming session, or individual team members for outstanding performances. Decide together on an exciting reward that makes your employees want to really work for it together—or separately.

Rewards come in all shapes and sizes, and there are plenty of options to choose from; Some of these include paid training courses, fitness classes, flexible vacation days, or a quarterly bonus.

Financial Gains

While financial incentives are proven to boost performance and motivation, these are suitable for work that can be measured quantitively. Cash rewards are actually not the first go-to when it comes to younger generations, who are known to seek meaning from their work, rather than solely financial gains. If you opt for giving out cash as a reward, make sure to include a handwritten note along with a personal message. This way, the gesture won’t seem like an impersonal financial transaction. You could also take into consideration giving out personalized or thoughtful gifts instead of cash. Money is usually spent on necessities, while experiences such as a dinner or a live concert can turn into life-lasting memories.